What is play in early childhood

Research have always cared of children playing in various ages and environments, but all of them insure that playing is important for children's development. not only for their bodies, but also their minds and emotions.

For most of us, the times we spent on playground during our childhood will never be forgetten, it is a joyful memories we will ever remember. World within its walls used to be a very different place, most children won't left it unless their parents ask them to do. Preschoolers have created to play, they practice playing like we practice our works, and so is the play itself, it has created for them, to joy them, to please them, and to develop them. Preschool is an important part of child's life, he will start his education at this stage, children are considered to be preschool ready when they become three years old.

How to play with preschoolers

Preschoolers have a very important features such as curiosity, exciting, loving discover and adventures. we can use these features to make them develop their mind skills and to introduce them cultural activities, or even let them create their own. we also must be sure preschooler activities are appropriate for their age, so they can be interested with them and with learning by them without being bored. There are many ideas about activities for preschoolers, but with some helpful ideas, a preschooler's life can be both fun and enriched.

Preschool active games

Preschool active games
Preschool active games

During being preschooler, our children can be prepared for formal education at school. but at this period we must focus on developing and enhancing new skills by practicing fun and without any pressure on the child. Before going to school, children must be very took care of developing their thinking skills which provided by play and joyful environment.

At this period, children develop their language skills, and learn how to use it, they develop their memory and regulate their thoughts processes, and enrich their knowledge bank. If we choose them positive affecting playing activities, their cognitive development will greatly develop and they will have a very strong problem solving skills which is the base for their successful in future. We will help you choosing this positive affecting active games:

Imagine play

Encouraging our children to create in their play is very important. because as much as they use their imagination, they will be able to learn to play by themselves, and they will cooperate with others and develop their communication and cognitive abilities. our children in their playing and pretending games actually live out their dreams and imagination.

There are many different kinds of toys and games that encourage our children's imagination. For example kitchen sets include pretend kitchens with pretend food, gardening toys, doctor's sets, picnic sets, banks sets, dolls....etc. There are endless possibilities for sets of imagine play.

What is imaginative play

Children in their imaginative play, pretend to be another persons. so our turn is to encourage their imagination in order to help them enjoy and develop at the same time. but first of all we should know what and how to encourage children's skills!

Before we think of planning suitable imaginative play for our children, we should think about how we can encourage them to communicate, there are many points we should pay attention during our children's imaginative play so we must have the ability of listening to what they are saying (to us or to each others), looking carefully at them and trying to understand their communication through body language, such as their head's movements or their smiling, we must also talk to them, being talked to and talking with us or other people is very helpful to develop their communication skills, Writing and drawing is helpful too, especially for younger children, provide examples of signs useing papers and pencils will encourage them to communicate by putting marks on paper.

Role of play in child development

Role of play in child development
Role of play in child development

All the creatures in the universe practice playing, small dogs love to chase their tails, small kitties love to play with wool balls. Play is very important for all the creatures in every age, it has the biggest role in growing up, research show that it's essential to ensure children reach their full skills and abilities in life, researchers believe that brain connections develop during periods of play. Parents don't always understand the importance of play in their children's life, so the challenge today is to stop wasting our children's time, and use some more positive effecting activities along their life.

Nature in child development

Early Childhood - from birth to age eight:
This is the most stage in which children develop their psychology and actually skills and abilities. their size and weight will increase Incredibly from their birth to their third year. the head of the baby consists of a one fourth of the complete body length, but this will change as the baby is growing up untill they look like little grownups at 3 to 8.

Childhood from ages 8 to 12:
In this age development will become a little more stable and slow, but at the start of the adolescence by 12, new body changes is going to appear. these changes differ from person to other. Some start at 9 while others wait this changes until 12. but females start earlier in the most.

Adolescence stage from ages 12 to 18:
The hormone development that happens during this stage, causes another fast level of kids developing, During it a kid can grow up to 4 to 7 inches in size and about ten pounds in weight per season.

Development during childhood

Childhood and preschool education
During early childhood it is very essentially for preschoolers to have a good education. cause that will help to develop all their mind skills which is necessary for their whole life to be developed just during their childhood. Research show that one of the certain reasons for being unable to think right and take all the conditions and situations in count is a lack of education activities in their early childhood years. The simplest condition to make good decisions is to look beyond the immediate situation, this skill will develop and regulate only during the childhood years. any lack of this ability will surely affect the decisions in the future. and will also affect other people around them because of their unthinking behaviors. Education in preschool help develop logical thinking skills that will be used in many situations in adulthood.

Play imagination

The most important part of childhood development is the pretend play. because it is the most successful to develop their imagination. which is a very important part of children's development. Young children love pretending play very much, and we can notice that in their most famouse playing as doctors. this play allows them to dream about doing things as they grow up. If we watch them for a little while, we will be able to see how their imagination is developing as they growing.

Young children love doctor's sets. This allows them to pretend that they are treating every single person in the family. While the children are playing, they often will talk to each others. And that will even help them to develop their language and communication skills. So please turn the television off most of the day, and make sure your children are not missing the fun of playing and developing their skills by sitting in front of the TV the whole day.

Importance of play in child development

Our children are not only the reason of happiness in our life, they are also the reason of us being scared and terrified all time, about how could we let them have all their necessities such as feeding them, shelter them, and not the end make sure they are growing in a very appropriate environment, that makes them contributing member of society.
There are many things we should make sure of, so we can achieve this skills development in our children.

Early hood child development

the development of children had been studied by many professionals and researchers just to put a guideline that can be followed by every parent, teacher, and preschool taker in how a child is developing.

the characteristics of our little children begin befor their birth, and then they continue to develop through the early childhood. children go through many different early childhood development levels before they become adults. start with recognizing mum and dad and never end with going to school by their selves, every level in a child's life is one that you can almost figure out when it will occur.

First of all, children develop their skills of talking and speaking in order to communicate with the loved ones around them. this will appear clearly when they express pain by crying, or even for hunger. some children cry so they can be held. during that they are developing their verbal skills. so they learn more sounds and they will try by these sounds to get attention. Before we even notice, our children will be able to form words in order to talk and communicate with others around them.

Math skills by age

Math skills start with the children at a very early age. So we must start to develop them early as well. Here is a little guide that can help us to develop those skills basing on our child's age:

Children at Ages 1-3
These children can Count to 5, they also can put their blocks in order by their size or shape or even color. In this age children begin to learn some math terms, like: bigger, smaller, taller, shorter, nearer, farther…etc and they will use these words too: "give me more peanuts" "put my toy in the box"…etc
This is not about the countable objects only, they even learn about volume of some things like rice, sand, or even water.

Do children need toys

The kinds of games the family play with the preschoolers can influence their desire of learning math and science? questions you ask and the toys you give them to play with affect this desire too.
the words of math and science for the children do not match with ours, they use words like Bigger; smaller; higher; lower; farther; nearer, faster; slower.... And these are the beginnings of math and science learning.

We usually think that children are too young to become interested in math and science, but they are not. In fact, they have born as a scientists and mathematicians by natural. the reason of that is curious. children ask questions all the time. and we have certainly noticed their love to explore and experiment. If we encourage their questions and not only answer them but also help them explore and find out the answers by their selves, we are then building their interest in math and science. Children who have such experiences during their childhood, develop an enjoyment and a confidence in math and science, which will affect them when they're older.

Emotional regulation skills for children

Emotional regulation: the preshcooler's ability of managing their emotional skills and behaviors and their ability of making good friendships is a very important thing for them befor getting to school and a very important part of their ability to face the world later and to be successful.

There is even more, those children who have the ability to integration into society are also more successful academically, at the other side, those who are poor of the social skills have strong predictor of academic failure.

We are talking here about getting the children into programs of Social Skills and Problem-Solving Training, which teaches them how to control their emotions, empathy or perspective taking, friendship and communication skills, anger management, interpersonal problem solving, and how to success at school.

Early childhood education information

Every child have to get into early childhood education before they go to school. These early childhood education programs will offer him support to prepare him for decision making later on in his whole life. It also puts strong bases for the education the children will receive later. Many different programs and services have been put by the federal government to provide high quality early childhood education.

as much as the early education programs are passing on knowledge to preschoolers, they are also teaching self worth and progress. These programs are offering both emotional and social teaching for children to prepare them to face the world. Traditional forms of education do not include programs that care of early childhood development.

in the first 8 years of the child's life,he is able to recieve information and also adapt with the surroundings. They recieve these information through educational and social learning. Teachers, parents, caretakers as well as friends play a very important part in the child's life. In the first two years, the child will know who are they very well and will learn how to connect with others. This early childhood education will teach children how to know and take their role in the society and even take initiative in the future, Once they start to make decisions.

Block activity for preschoolers

Block activity for preschoolers
Blocks are one of important  teaching activity of preschool active games, it helps children develop their muscles and their mind skills. By playing, preschoolers can learn concepts and skills if block activity has taken through the early childhood.

Blocks come in many shapes, colors, and sizes so preschoolers can use them to learn with their senses. Preschool activity with blocks can also helps to develop creativity and problem solving ability. As you guide the preschoolers during block playing, talk with them about the shapes, the block position (on top of, underneath, behind), how can we balance blocks while we are building, and the blocks counting. look on for activities that help preschoolers to explore many concepts in early childhood education.

Playing math with Block
There are several ways to teach math skills with blocks. Children can put them in groups according to shape, size, and color. blocks can be made to help preschoolers understand serial order (first, next, last). In this activity, preschoolers learn that blocks can be used as a tool for measuring.

Block ideas for preschoolers

Building with blocks is the most loved activities for the preschoolers! since our infant was born, and we were gifted with a nice set of block, all our kids has wanted to do is playing with blocks! Here are some of the fun ideas to play with block, Do your kids enjoy blocks? What is the favorite thing the preschoolers love to do with block?

1-See who can build the tallest tower. Generally preschoolers favorite part, isn’t the actual building of the tower or seeing if they win. They love to see how really big their tower is.

2-The game of plus and minus. In this game your child will hand you a number of blocks and you will count them and build a block tower. Then when he asks you for one of the pieces from your own block tower (as he’s building his own) you will recount when blocks are added/subtracted from yours.

3-Musical Instruments. There are a number of ways you can make music with a block. You can bang blocks together, stir them in a metal pot, shake them, etc. many ideas the preschoolers can think in this activity because of the big love of the preschoolers for noise!!!

Blocks activities for preschoolers

Blocks activities for preschoolers
Playing together close us to those who we love. You know the adage "The family that plays together, stays together." Preschool age is the best time to develop bonds with your kids by playing. the time which is before they go to shool, spending their most time at  home, before they make friends. Take this advantage during they are passing years to spend special time with them by playing.

 Playing with your preschoolers is not a chore for you, it should be a joyful time. let the houseworks go, turn the TV and internet  off, and play and learn with your preschoolers. Playing together can provide you and him many teachable moments. You will know your child's personality deeper and will be able to learn cues to your child's interests and strengths.

Some Basic Facts for Early Childhood Education

Since the last decade of the last century, with the advent of the Internet in a big way, companies worldwide have undergone a radical change. With the changes in career preferences, education has become largely a learning process throughout life. Even then, the value of early childhood education has remained unchanged, they say, the things that a child learns in their first eight years of life have a permanent influence shaping his
personality and career

Definition of early childhood education
 To understand the importance of early childhood education, we must first know the exact definition. The Early Childhood Education refers to the combination of intelligence / cognitive, physical, social and emotional development of a child during the first six to eight years of his life learning. While parents and primary care providers play an important role in the acquisition of knowledge of the children in a more specialized sense, a professional early childhood provides preschool education for children. However, a good teacher will always involve parents in his / her early childhood programs to maximize the benefits of the program

early childhood education "Important things"

Early childhood generally encompasses the first eight years of life of an individual. The teaching during these years of a child's life plays a very important role and contributes to healthy child development. The early childhood education can be basically termed as "Learning through play".
Recent research has shown that the first eight years in the life of children are crucial time because during this phase their brain develops and much of his "son" is established. Education and relationships that a child experiences with nutrition can actually affect child mental growth enormously. While good early childhood education helps the brain to develop in healthy ways, improper education or study without play on other hand may affect brain development differently. Thus, the experiences and the learning of a child in the early years can support them throughout their lives.

age group with limited space in the preschool

Science is an activity that fosters all areas of child development, but many of us are limited in space in the classroom or having to share the space, which limits what can be left in our classrooms every day.
However, we know that this is important! Science is not infinite storage concepts, technologies, discoveries, etc. Science is for preschoolers, learning and understanding the world around them significantly.
Scientific knowledge is enormous and could not all the time teaching a kindergarten child graduates from high school.