Math skills by age

Math skills start with the children at a very early age. So we must start to develop them early as well. Here is a little guide that can help us to develop those skills basing on our child's age:

Children at Ages 1-3
These children can Count to 5, they also can put their blocks in order by their size or shape or even color. In this age children begin to learn some math terms, like: bigger, smaller, taller, shorter, nearer, farther…etc and they will use these words too: "give me more peanuts" "put my toy in the box"…etc
This is not about the countable objects only, they even learn about volume of some things like rice, sand, or even water.

Children at Ages 3-5
Children in this age can count to 10, and then to 25, they also Learn how to match objects, they know the names of some math shapes like circle, square, triangle, and rectangle, they can also put objects in groups according to their shape and color, and put them in order by height, in this age they can start recognizing small money.
They can also start writing numbers to 12 but it is not necessary, but they will be able to match the correct number of objects to numbers up to 12.
They will respond to orders that contain math terms, such as: "Put the ball (in front of, behind) the toys box." "Put (more or less) water in the glass", "Put the blocks first, second, third...."
They can also pick a certain shape out of a different group, and also the objects of the same shape out of a different group, or even a different number out of a group of numbers, solve a maze, create patterns by two colors or shapes.

Children at Ages 5-7
in this age children can count to 100, and then to 500, and can count back from 10 to 1, and then from 20 to 1, not only this, they can even count on from a number you give, they will know also the meaning of the 0.
They will be able to write numbers up to 100, and recognize the names of the numbers up to 10. And they can skip count 10 by 10 or even 5 by 5.
They will start learning how to solve simple math problems by adding or subtracting numbers using their fingers and even within 20. And then they will be able even to multiply numbers: 2s, 1s, 10s, 5s, 0s.
They can also learn about the place value for ones and tens, and will learn about halves and quarters, and will learn more about money.
They will learn about time (hour, minute, second, how many minute in a half hour…), learn to tell time.

Children at Ages 8-11
in this age children can count to 1,000. And skip counting 2 by 2 or 3 by 3, then will learn the place value of also hundreds and thousands…etc, their ability of adding and subtracting will develop to two, three, four, and five places, and also will learn the multiplication tables 0-12 and memorize it, and depending on it they will learn dividing.
They will also learn measurement, fractions of all types, decimals, and simple percentages.

Children at Ages 12-13
In this age our children will continue learning about fractions, decimals, percentages, measurement. And they will start learning simple algebra, geometry.
And they will learn to solve math problems of two or three steps.