Activities for 3 year olds must suit with children at this age, they will start to depend on their selves in eating, dressing, and in many activities they used to need our help on it.
Here we will present some activities and toys that can be educational and much fun at the same time. Children will never respond with activities for 3 year olds if they were boring, no matter how educational was it. Let's get started:
Activities for 3 year olds
Activities for 3 year olds -Throwing balls:
Children at all ages love balls in any size or color, they will love playing with balls. And in many childhood education research balls considered one of the best activities for 3 year olds. So let's start with simple throwing or rolling ball from side to side. That will help them learn about taking turns, and it will be a very great start for playing with others in groups.
Activities for 3 year olds -Playing with blocks:
Blocks are very educational toys for children at any age. And they considered one of the favorite activities for 3 year olds for children. They start at age 2 in building two blocks above each other, then at 3 year olds they will be able to build a tower of 6 blocks this will be very fun if we encourage him for build a higher tower every time and that will help developing and enhancing his motor skills
Activities for 3 year olds -Hitting toys:
like the hammer toys, by which children can improve their hand-eye coordination. Children like to hit things, in this kind of toys we give them their desires in fun and educational way. For that reason, hitting things in general can be counted as activities for 3 year olds.
Activities for 3 year olds -Putting boxes and shape sorters:
Those are extra educational toys and activities for 3 year olds, they will incredibly improve the child's motor and mental skills. These toys differ from simple shapes on a wooden board, to many shapes to put in a box, these toys can be sorted with matching toys which are essential in toddlers development.
Activities for 3 year olds -Puzzles:
This kind of toys can be easily homemade, out of pictures the child loves or out of his own drawings, in this way he can depend on his self in creating his own puzzles and spend hours in separating and then matching them as activities for 3 year olds at home.
Activities for 3 year olds -Pretend toys:
Children at this age start to develop their imagination very fast, so if we help them with some pretend toys such as doctor sets, kitchen sets, customs of some jobs or even mum's and dad's old clothes!
Activities for 3 year olds -Reading:
Reading is very important for improving children's language and communication skills, we can pick up short books with pictures, during the reading we can make the book interactive by asking questions like: how is the cat's voice? Where is the little bunny? And others.
Activities for 3 year olds -Using scissors:
At this age children begin to learn how to use scissors, with an adult around of course. Using scissors will help in developing children's hand control and will teach them how to use fingers separately. This will help a lot in improving their motor skills.
Activities for 3 year olds -Getting dressed:
We may thin that dressing our children is faster than letting them get dressed, that's true. But we should think in it as an activity. Children at 3 year olds will be very happy in depending on their selves. So let's give them some independence by letting them dress their clothes even if they won't succeed, we can help them, but not take the whole work from them.
There are always much more ideas, we just need to know what is useful for our children at this age and what are their interests at the same time. If we gathered education with fun we will be able to get the best Activities for 3 year olds.